hello, my name is

Abidan Martinez

an image of Abidan Martinez

Web Developer

an image of someone programming

I love coding!

About Me

I'm a Fresno Pacific University graduate and aspiring Frontend Web Developer. I enjoy building projects on the web and gaining more knowledge while honing my skills. Currently, I work side jobs while building project sites for friends and family.

My interest in Web Development started during my time in college after taking a few computer courses. Ever since then, I've done more research about the field and pursued my Bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems.

A list of technologies I've had some experience working with include:

  • C++
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Markdown
  • Python
  • Django


Here's some of the projects I've worked on:

-> Red Bull Concept

an image of a Red Bull concept site
A concept site built to showcase Red Bull products and team. Technologies involved: HTML and CSS.

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-> Web Development Topics

an image of a Web Dev topics site
A multi-page website built to share learned knowledge of Web Development tools with others. Technologies involved: Bootstrap CSS framework; HTML, CSS, JS.

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-> Savory Sandwiches Inc.

an image of Savory Sandwiches business site
A multi-page web app built for internal business use for a local food manufacturer. Technologies involved: Django Web framework; HTML, CSS, Python

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